Cycling Without Age Program
United Pioneer Home is a 50-bed skilled nursing facility established in 1953 in Luck, Wisconsin. Lawson Manor is a 16-unit Community-Based Residential Facility (CBRF) assisted living community. Our nonprofit campus facilities are located less than 2 blocks from the intersection of the Gandy Dancer Trail with Butternut Avenue in Luck, Wisconsin. The proximity of the Gandy Dancer trail is what prompted us to pursue the funding and purchase of 2 Trishaw bicycles for the outdoor recreation of our residents. In 2021, we were fortunate to be awarded over $24,000 in grants for the purchase of 2 trishaws that would allow our residents to experience the outdoors in a unique way. The following statement was taken from the grant application.

“We have a unique opportunity to add a fun, recreational activity for the enjoyment of our residents. We propose the purchase of 2 Bicycle Trishaws. We are fortunate to be located just a few blocks from the Gandy Dancer State Trail and downtown Luck, WI. The Trishaws, each capable of seating 2 persons, will allow us to take residents on bike rides on the trail and in and around the Luck community. There is a worldwide Tri-shaw community established with seniors in mind called “Cycling Without Age.” First started in Denmark in 2012, the goal was to reconnect nursing home residents with nature and with their local community. We do that by giving them the right to wind in their hair, the right to experience the city and nature close-up from the bicycle, and by giving them an opportunity to tell their story in the environment where they have lived their lives.” Facility staff and volunteers would “load-up” several residents at a time to explore the nature trail on a beautiful day, take a ride down main street in town or through local neighborhoods, an activity most thought they would never again experience.”

In 2021 we started our own Cycling Without Age Chapter here at United Pioneer Home and it was our inaugural biking season. We maintained a full schedule of rides with our residents with outings several hours a day, 3 days a week, throughout the spring, summer, and fall months. Staff and volunteers gave over 80 rides, logging nearly 60 hours of outdoor recreational time for our residents. Trishaw rides have become a favorite activity of many of our residents, giving them an opportunity to get outdoors and see the neighborhoods and the countryside. Oftentimes it is an experience they share with their family member who will sit beside them on the trishaw.